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7 Reasons to Go to Therapy

7 Reasons to Go to Therapy

As a nation, we have progressed when it comes to mental health. More often than not, people are acknowledging the importance of mental health just as they would take care of their physical health, but there are still a lot of obstacles, financially and socially, that stop people from seeking the treatment they need to […]

Working Out Your Mind

Working Out Your Mind

Experts are beginning to postulate that the concept of working out your mind may soon be considered as important and commonplace as working out your body.  Most people already know the benefits of physical exercise for health and wellbeing, and there are entire industries built around physical fitness. While the results of mental exercise may […]

5 Common Dual Diagnoses

5 Common Dual Diagnoses

Most people who struggle with a substance use disorder also have a co-occurring mental health issue, or a dual diagnosis. According to the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, about 3.3 percent of all American adults had a dual diagnosis of addiction and another mental health issue. [] Some mental health issues can […]



LMSW, LCDC | Counselor
Kristina Robertson serves as Counselor at Burning Tree Ranch. Holding both a Bachelors and Masters Degree in Social Work, Kristina’s greatest joy is “watching our clients learn to love themselves again.” An avid equestrian, mother to twenty-one horses, and all-around animal lover, Kristina serves as a bright shining example of long-term recovery in action. Her commitment to whole person health: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual makes her an invaluable member of the Burning Tree Ranch clinical team. As a distinguished Phi Theta Kappa and Alpha Zeta member, Kristina believes deeply in each client’s pursuit of becoming their best selves.

"who is a burning tree client?"

Beth Legacki, Burning Tree Ranch Alumni