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The First 30 Days of Rehab

The First 30 Days of Rehab

What are the first 30 days of rehab like? It depends.  Often when going into rehab, clients need to go to detox. Medical detox is critical for people who are saturated with alcohol or drugs. Especially with alcohol withdrawal, clients can have seizures and even die. The First 30 Days of Rehab Up to the […]

What is Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome?

Post acute withdrawal syndrome

Ultimately, many symptoms of alcohol or drug withdrawal are the result of the effects that these chemicals have on the body and brain. In the first days and even weeks during withdrawal, different withdrawal symptoms may occur as a result of abruptly stopping taking a substance. The longer someone has abused drugs or alcohol, the […]

What to Do When Rehab Doesn’t Work

Oftentimes when we see a client who has successfully been admitted into Burning Tree Ranch, they have already had several treatment episodes. In extreme cases, we have seen some clients who have gone to more than three dozen treatment centers before making it to the Ranch. By this time, these clients are so resistant to […]

What is Addiction Treatment Resistance?

Treatment resistance is a term that describes someone who does not respond to usual treatment programs.  Some people struggling with substance abuse or alcoholism have a difficult time staying sober by going to a 30-day addiction treatment center. You can say that they are resistant to the treatment.  Some people are in a revolving door […]

6 Ways to Help an Addict Stop Using Drugs and Alcohol

Help an Addict

It’s not easy to help a loved one struggling with substance use.  There’s nothing that can just magically stop them from using drugs or drinking alcohol.  However, that does not mean that there is nothing you can do to help.  Start by Educating Yourself You can only see the symptoms if you know them.  Until […]

Know the Dangers: The 9 Most Common Addictions in America

Common Addictions

Those who have never struggled with addiction often view drug and alcohol dependency as a single illness, one that can be cured through simple willpower and a desire to live a sober life.  But those who have struggled with addiction know better, and they also know that drug and alcohol addiction is not a single […]

Treat the Family, Not Just the Addict

Written by Carey Ferren, LCDCAssistant Clinical Director, Burning Tree Ranch When one considers addiction treatment, treating and supporting the family as a supplement is imperative. Addiction is a family disease where each member experiences negative coping mechanisms to deal with the stress addiction causes. In my eleven years as an addiction counselor, higher success rates […]

Benefits of a Life Without Alcohol

Benefits of a Life Without Alcohol

Have you finally taken the leap and decided to stop drinking? There is nothing but benefits when you choose to quit drinking. Just being dry has its health benefits. But being sober is where you will learn to live a new life and feel free. Here Are Some of the Benefits of a Life Without […]

What is a long-term community in recovery and why is it important?

long-term community in recovery

Before we can answer this question it’s important to understand the chronic nature of addiction and alcoholism. If you’re a chronic relapser then you know that it is almost impossible to stay stopped. No matter the will power you possess or the emotional appeal or the relationships or the consequence that you are facing, they […]



LMSW, LCDC | Counselor
Kristina Robertson serves as Counselor at Burning Tree Ranch. Holding both a Bachelors and Masters Degree in Social Work, Kristina’s greatest joy is “watching our clients learn to love themselves again.” An avid equestrian, mother to twenty-one horses, and all-around animal lover, Kristina serves as a bright shining example of long-term recovery in action. Her commitment to whole person health: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual makes her an invaluable member of the Burning Tree Ranch clinical team. As a distinguished Phi Theta Kappa and Alpha Zeta member, Kristina believes deeply in each client’s pursuit of becoming their best selves.

"who is a burning tree client?"

Beth Legacki, Burning Tree Ranch Alumni