Home » Prescription Drug Abuse

Navigating a Path through Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription pills in yellow bottles on a white background.

As COO of a treatment center, I’ve experienced the complex issue of prescription drug abuse firsthand. This crisis has influenced my career, motivating me to create effective strategies for fighting this epidemic. Here, I share valuable insights into long-term recovery and relapse prevention.

The Dangers of Benzodiazepines

Benzodiazepines addiction

Given their appealing sedating effects, benzodiazepines are among some of the most abused prescription drugs in America. In fact, according to WebMD, about one in every five people who use benzodiazepines will abuse the potentially addictive drug. Below, we will discuss the potential risks associated with benzodiazepines and how they affect your body. What are […]

Know the Potential Signs of Hydrocodone Abuse in a Loved One

Signs of Hydrocodone Abuse

Hydrocodone is a drug that people take by prescription for pain relief. Sold under the name Vicodin, this drug combines two things: acetaminophen and hydrocodone. The drug is effective for what it is prescribed for, but it is also habit-forming. When a doctor prescribes this drug, they are trying to help a person avoid the […]

Black Market for Prescription Painkillers – The Real Killer

Black Market for Prescription Painkillers – The Real Killer

The painkiller black market has become big business for those looking to make a quick buck, regardless of the ripple effect of the enterprise.  Florida, in particular has become the El Dorado of black marketeers because of its inadequate tracking and monitoring of prescription pain relieving medications. Even though prescription painkillers, especially oxycontin and its […]



LMSW, LCDC | Counselor
Kristina Robertson serves as Counselor at Burning Tree Ranch. Holding both a Bachelors and Masters Degree in Social Work, Kristina’s greatest joy is “watching our clients learn to love themselves again.” An avid equestrian, mother to twenty-one horses, and all-around animal lover, Kristina serves as a bright shining example of long-term recovery in action. Her commitment to whole person health: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual makes her an invaluable member of the Burning Tree Ranch clinical team. As a distinguished Phi Theta Kappa and Alpha Zeta member, Kristina believes deeply in each client’s pursuit of becoming their best selves.

"who is a burning tree client?"

Beth Legacki, Burning Tree Ranch Alumni