Home » Alcoholism

Understanding Wet Brain Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Understanding Wet Brain Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Wet Brain Syndrome, also known as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, is a debilitating neurological disorder resulting from long-term alcohol abuse and thiamine (Vitamin B1) deficiency. This article aims to comprehensively understand Wet Brain Syndrome, exploring its causes, symptoms, and available treatment options. By shedding light on this complex condition, we can enhance awareness and promote effective prevention, […]

The Mental Effects of Alcoholism

The Mental Effects of Alcoholism

Alcoholism, a chronic and often progressive illness marked by a persistent pattern of excessive and compulsive alcohol consumption, poses a profound and multifaceted toll on an individual’s mental health. A 2021 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) reports that 29.5 million individuals aged 12 and upwards experienced Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) during the […]

4 Reasons Alcoholism Could Run in Families

4 Reasons Alcoholism Could Run in Families

Whether you have been personally impacted by alcoholism and alcohol use disorder or not, you may have noticed that the misuse and overuse of this legal but highly dangerous drug tend to run in families.  Maybe you grew up in an alcoholic household and you are concerned about your own use of alcohol.  The fact […]

What’s the Difference Between Clean and Sober?

Clean and Sober

Have you ever been around an alcoholic who isn’t drinking?  What is their demeanor? Are they nice? Are they grumpy? How do they react to you?  If you grew up in an alcoholic household, then you know that when mom or dad did not have something to drink they were not happy. Actually, they could […]

Alcohol and Aging: Does Drinking Alcohol Make You Look Older

Alcohol and Aging: Does Drinking Alcohol Make You Look Older

Does alcohol age you? If you struggle with alcohol abuse, it’s not just the hangover making you feel achy and look haggard. You could be suffering from the aging effects of alcohol. Alcohol impacts your health on many levels, and the effects of alcohol on skin and aging can make you feel less than your […]

What is Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome?

Post acute withdrawal syndrome

Ultimately, many symptoms of alcohol or drug withdrawal are the result of the effects that these chemicals have on the body and brain. In the first days and even weeks during withdrawal, different withdrawal symptoms may occur as a result of abruptly stopping taking a substance. The longer someone has abused drugs or alcohol, the […]

What are the Four Absolutes and How Do They Relate to Alcoholics Anonymous?

Before Bill Wilson and company wrote the book Alcoholics Anonymous and found a solution to their chronic alcoholism, the Oxford Group helped many people with many problems.  The Oxford Group worked to improve members by teaching a formula for spiritual growth that is similar to the 12 Steps in Alcoholics Anonymous: inventory, admitting mistakes, making […]

Mistaken Beliefs by Alcoholics on Avoiding Alcohol

Mistaken Beliefs by Alcoholics on Avoiding Alcohol

Alcoholics cannot control their drinking. They just can’t.  It’s a difficult concept to understand for both alcoholics and their families.  Often alcoholics think they can do things to control the amount they take. It usually does not go well.  Here Are a Few Things Alcoholics and Common Knowledge Will Tell Us When Attempting to Control […]

What to Expect From an Al-Anon Meeting


There are support groups available for friends and families of alcoholics called Al-Anon groups. Al-Anon meetings can help those close to alcoholics who find themselves caught up in an overwhelming whirlwind of frustration and disappointment. What is Al-Anon? Al-Anon meetings are not based on any particular religion. They focus on a spiritual fellowship in which […]



LMSW, LCDC | Counselor
Kristina Robertson serves as Counselor at Burning Tree Ranch. Holding both a Bachelors and Masters Degree in Social Work, Kristina’s greatest joy is “watching our clients learn to love themselves again.” An avid equestrian, mother to twenty-one horses, and all-around animal lover, Kristina serves as a bright shining example of long-term recovery in action. Her commitment to whole person health: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual makes her an invaluable member of the Burning Tree Ranch clinical team. As a distinguished Phi Theta Kappa and Alpha Zeta member, Kristina believes deeply in each client’s pursuit of becoming their best selves.

"who is a burning tree client?"

Beth Legacki, Burning Tree Ranch Alumni