Adopted Children & the Link to Addiction

Adopted children and addiction

According to recent studies, if a child’s birth parents abuse drugs, adopted children are twice as likely to also use drugs as those whose parents did not. While this may seem no different from the general population (a child of a substance abuser is more likely to use drugs than a child of someone who is clean), the issue is exacerbated with adoption, as the drug use factor may not be known. As such, drug rehabs for adopted children are beginning to evolve that better address this demographic.
Adopted children whose biological parents abused drugs are twice as likely to do so themselves

Adopted children who abuse or are addicted to drugs and alcohol have a different set of problems with recovery than those who are not adopted.

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers that work with adopted children are able to not only address the same sources and causes of addiction as are found in the mainstream population, but are also able to work with the added physical, psychological, and sociological pressure that may be present in the assessment profile of the adopted individual.
Dawn Wilson
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I believe that aftercare makes the difference for so many who have been unable to stay sober in previous attempts at sobriety.”

~ Dawn Wilson, Director of Transition Services

Addiction Treatment Program for Adopted children

While the history of the birth parents may never be revealed, depending on the conditions of the adoption, therapists are able to develop treatment programs that allow for the possibility of prenatal substance abuse. With approaches that consider this, a greater range of options is available, and the chances of a successful recovery are increased.
Drug rehabs for adopted children are not limited to children or adolescents. In fact, many adopted individuals do not lose control of their lives until early adulthood or later. As such, addiction problems are compounded because of a societal perception that addiction is a result of choices, rather than having genetic causes. The most successful substance abuse treatment programs are those that understand there may be underlying issues, and create treatment programs that address all possible contingencies. Reach out to Burning Tree Ranch at (877) 389-0500 to learn about drug rehab for adopted children in Dallas, TX.

Our Chronic relapse therapies

Burning Tree Ranch utilizes addiction medicine to aid in the diagnosis, treatment and recovery of persons with the disease of addiction.

Patients learn new behaviors that replace their drug use. They confront what has led to their addictions and come free from those stressors.

DBT involves looking at what drives people toward substance use and how these substances are reintroduced as coping mechanisms.

It is a unique treatment that allows patients to process their traumatic memories. Despite its value, few people know about it.

Horse therapy goes beyond a mere stress-reducing technique. Patients learn several skills while interacting with horses.

Helps individuals clarify their values and connect with their authentic selves, leading to a greater sense of self-worth and empowerment.

Gestalt Therapy is used to confront irrational thought patterns that can lead to disruptive or destructive behaviors.

Group therapy is a therapeutic intervention that helps our clients develop improved communication skills, boundaries, and self-awareness.

A holistic approach offers comprehensive treatments to cover a range of medical problems.

The goal of individual therapy is to motivate the client to explore certain behaviors that may interfere with, delay, or sabotage the opportunity to find recovery.

Helps our clients re-build relationships with loved ones, and establish new relationships with a healthy support group of peers.

Neurofeedback Therapy is a non-invasive treatment designed to instruct patients as to how to control brainwave activity in order to change behaviors.

The Twelve Steps teach our clients how to live by a set of spiritual principles that are taught in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.